How to Put Adsense Ads Middle of the Every Pages and Posts
It is too important to optimize your adsense ads in your site.  In the earlier post, we found how to putadsense ads just below the post title. Now we are going to learn how to put adsense ads in the middle part of the post and any place within the post. Oftenadsense user think if the ads are displayed in the just below the post title, it is the best position. Moreover that there is also a place which is equally as better as below the post title. This is the middle position of the posts.

Let see how we can add ads middle of the post page.

Suggestion:-We always recommend to back up your template before changing any elements of your templates.

Place Adsense Ads Automatically In Middle of All The Posts In Blogger:

Follow The below process to place adsense ads in Middle of all the posts automatically in blogger.

Step 1:

Login to Your Blogger Account
Go to Template >Edit HTML

Step 2:

Search For Below Code in your template.
You will get multiple codes similar to above code. You have to select the second code which is similar to above code in order to make the script work properly.

Step 3:

Replace The above Code With The Below Code.

<div id='jobmiddlenew'>


<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>

#addcodemiddle{display: none;}
<div id='addcodemiddle'>

Your Ad Code Text 

 <script type='text/javascript'>

var str1=document.getElementById(&quot;jobmiddlenew&quot;).innerHTML;
var str2=str1.length;
var str3=str2/2;
var substr = str1.substring(str3, str2);

var n =;&lt;br&gt;&quot;);
n = substr.indexOf('.');
var firsthalf = str1.substring(0, str3+n+1);
var secondhalf = str1.substring(str3+n+1, str2);


var firsthalf = str1.substring(0, str3+n+4);
var secondhalf = str1.substring(str3+n+4, str2);
var addcode=&quot;<center>&quot;+document.getElementById(&quot;addcodemiddle&quot;).innerHTML+&quot;</center><br/>&quot;;

var newbody=firsthalf+addcode+secondhalf;

var strnew=document.getElementsByClassName(&quot;post-body entry-content&quot;);



Step 4

Convert the adsense code(Adsense Ad Code Converter )AND Replace The Place Your Ad Code Text With Your Adsense Ad Code in the above code and save your template.Maybe you dont knowThe horror stories of the AdSense Policy team.Congratulation you did it. This techniques is preferred by google’s terms and services.

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